Nathan Peck - click to see his site


Due to the nature of taste, I will not like everything that you make. My job is to teach you how to create and communicate interesting visual messages - not to push my taste onto your message. However I will show you how to improve the comprehension of your message. I also maintain a fair standard of craft, concept and composition that you will be held to. You must earn every point, through attendance and skillful completion of a set of tasks.

There are a million excuses for missing class and YOU must budget your own points.
No lectures or demonstrations will be repeated outside of class. In rare exceptions appointments can be made to meet me at my studio, off the CTA Red Line, downtown.

There are 30 meetings in this class.
You will receive 1 point if you have signed in before the class begins
30 Attendance Points

Every Monday will be a critique. BE PREPARED!
All work should be printed before class begins and pinned up in L120.
There are 15 critiques in our schedule
1-3 points will be given for each project based on its craft concept and composition
45 Possible Critique Points

Each stage of each project should be posted and contextualized on a blog. I will review these over the weekend but they should be finished before class on Wednesday.
1 point will be awarded each week for each coherent blog post.
15 Possible Blog Points

There will be a midterm and final exam of vocabulary and skills. This will be both a written and practical exam.
Each exam is worth 5 points
10 Possible Exam Points


100 – 90 = A
89 – 80 = B
79 – 70 = C
69 – 60 = D